The First Step in Changing the Future Is Desire, for Desire Is the Mainspring of Action

To transform our future, we must begin with a fundamental realization: desire is the spark that ignites all action. This profound truth, evident in every facet of life, underscores the pivotal role of our inner yearnings in shaping reality. Indeed, "desire is the mainspring of action."

Our desires are far more than fleeting wishes. They represent an acute awareness of something we lack—a gap we seek to fill to make our lives more fulfilling. Without desire, no action would follow, as every movement begins with an inner urge. Even the simplest act, such as raising a finger, is guided by the silent command of a desire. This awareness illuminates that all desires are inherently personal, stemming from the promise of gain. The greater the anticipated benefit, the more intense the desire—and consequently, the stronger the impulse to act.

The spiritual dimension of desire is equally compelling. As Neville Goddard emphasizes, the desires that dominate our thoughts are the ones that propel us into action. They serve as a bridge between the spiritual and natural aspects of our being. "The spiritual man speaks to the natural man through the language of desire." Thus, the secret to personal progress and the realization of dreams lies in heeding this voice—in listening and responding to the yearnings of the heart.

However, desire alone is not sufficient. To alter the course of our future, we must combine desire with imagination. As Goddard insightfully states, "Man, by assuming the feeling of his wish fulfilled, and then living and acting on this conviction, alters the future in harmony with his assumption." This means experiencing in imagination what we would encounter in reality if our desire were fulfilled. Through this mental exercise, the fourth-dimensional Self—our higher consciousness—discovers ways to manifest the desired outcome.

The practice of imagining the fulfillment of a desire requires discipline. The undisciplined mind often struggles to embrace a state that contradicts sensory evidence. Yet, it is precisely this act of calling "things which are not seen as though they were" that enables us to penetrate beyond the world of the senses. To make this process effective, Goddard suggests a technique that transforms abstract desires into vivid realities:

  1. Define Your Objective: Clearly identify what you desire. Know exactly what you want to achieve.

  2. Construct a Scene That Implies Fulfillment: Create an event in your mind that would naturally follow the realization of your desire. Ensure the scene highlights the action of Self, placing you at the center of the experience.

  3. Enter a State Akin to Sleep: Physically relax to the point of drowsiness, a state in which the mind remains attentive yet free from effort. This condition is ideal for focusing inwardly.

  4. Engage Fully in the Imaginary Action: Visualize the scene as if it is happening now. Feel yourself participating in the action, making it as vivid and real as possible. For instance, if your desire is for career advancement, imagine a colleague congratulating you. Hear their words, feel their handshake, and embrace the emotion of accomplishment.

  5. Repeat and Refine: Condense the scene into a single act and replay it until it feels utterly real. This repetition embeds the desire deeply into your consciousness.

This process is not merely an exercise in visualization; it is a deliberate reprogramming of the mind to align with the desired outcome. As Goddard notes, "The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure."

Drowsiness, he explains, facilitates this transformation by fostering effortless attention. However, it is crucial to remain alert enough to guide the imagination. Repeating a simple phrase that implies fulfillment, such as "Thank you, thank you, thank you," in this state reinforces the sensation of already having achieved the goal. This gratitude, directed toward a higher power, cements the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

By immersing ourselves in this practice, we project our spiritual Self into a dimensionally larger world. Whether we consciously awaken to this experience or not, the act of imagining plants the seeds of our desires in a higher dimension. In time, these seeds will bear fruit, manifesting in our tangible reality.

To change the future, we must harness the power of desire—not as a fleeting thought but as a focused intention. Paired with disciplined imagination, desire becomes the force that bridges the gap between the invisible and the visible. It transforms dreams into realities, proving that the first step in shaping the future lies within us. After all, "Desire is the mainspring of action," and by mastering this principle, we hold the key to our destiny.


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