"The habit of withdrawing attention from the region of sensation and concentrating it on the invisible develops our spiritual outlook and enables us to penetrate beyond the world of sense and to see that which is invisible." This profound principle reminds us of the vast potential of the human mind to shape our reality. When we withdraw attention from the evidence of the senses and focus inwardly on the invisible, we activate a transformative power within ourselves.
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen." Rom. 1:20.
The Role of Desire as a Guide
Desire is not merely a fleeting wish or a shallow craving—it is the driving force behind all human action. "Desire is the mainspring of action." It motivates every move we make, from the smallest gestures to the most significant accomplishments. To desire is to recognize something missing in our experience, something we perceive as necessary for greater fulfillment.
The intensity of a desire correlates directly with the perceived value of its fulfillment. Stronger desires naturally command more of our attention and energy. The desires which impel us to action are those which hold our attention. When we allow these desires to guide us, we align with the essence of our purpose.
The Spiritual and Natural Dialogue
Our desires often arise from the deeper, spiritual part of ourselves. "The spiritual man speaks to the natural man through the language of desire." This inner dialogue becomes the pathway to growth and fulfillment. To truly progress, we must listen to this voice with unwavering obedience. As Neville Goddard articulated, "Unhesitating obedience to its voice is an immediate assumption of the wish fulfilled."
When we embody the state of our fulfilled desires, we activate a profound spiritual mechanism. Man, by assuming the feeling of his wish fulfilled, and then living and acting on this conviction, alters the future in harmony with his assumption. This shift is not passive; it requires active participation in the process of creation.
Imagining the End to Create the Beginning
A clear method for manifesting desires lies in the power of imagination. Goddard emphasized that we must "experience in the imagination what we would experience in the flesh were we to achieve our goal." This imaginary experience bridges the gap between our current reality and the desired outcome. By vividly imagining the end result with all its sensory details, we engage the subconscious mind to find the means for realization.
This practice becomes particularly potent when paired with physical stillness and relaxation. Entering a state akin to sleep, where drowsiness facilitates focus without effort, enhances the clarity of our visualization. In this state, we can condense our objective into a single, simple action that symbolizes fulfillment. Repeating this action in our imagination until it feels real ensures that the subconscious accepts it as fact.
Persistence in Imagination
The process of visualization requires discipline. "The undisciplined mind finds it difficult to assume a state which is denied by the senses." Yet, persistence is the key to success. Even if the senses contradict the imagined reality, we must return to the act of imagining with vividness and conviction. This persistence ensures that the imagined state takes root in the subconscious.
By focusing on specific, tangible acts—such as feeling the touch of a handshake or hearing words of congratulations—we ground our desires in experiential reality. "The idea must be maintained in the field of presentation without any sensible effort on our part. We must, with the minimum of effort, permeate the mind with the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
Gratitude as a Closing Act
To solidify the imagined reality, gratitude becomes a powerful tool. In a relaxed state, repeating phrases like "Thank you, thank you, thank you," with genuine emotion, reinforces the sense of fulfillment. This simple act aligns our inner state with the higher power of creation, bringing our imagined desires clotrser to materialization.
The Key to Transformation
As we learn to harness the power of our inner conversations and align our desires with our imagination, we unlock the ability to shape our world. By assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled and persisting in its realization, we engage a process that transforms not only our external circumstances but also our inner sense of empowerment and purpose. "The future event is a reality NOW in a dimensionally larger world."